Mini documentary about some of the design decisions made behind the 'avatar' for IBM's supercomputer Watson that recently trounced two Jeopardy! game show veterans on the same gameshow.
Although the computer can answer questions and use information in a similar was to humans the avatar chosen was distinctly abstract (although could show emotion) perhaps because of the uncanny valley anomaly.
- Wednesday, February 29, 2012
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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IBM Watson: The Face of Watson
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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Mobile App Wins An Oscar
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Mobile UI Trend Websites
I've recently discovered two mobile UI trend websites that I've been looking to for inspiration. I think there is a broad range of styles on these sites that will help to inform my own designs to be fresh and interesting.
- Tuesday, February 28, 2012
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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Studio: Made By Shape
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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Talk: Wilson Miner
Brilliant talk by Wilson Miner about how digital tools are helping to shape our future and behaviour and that as interaction designers, and we are are ones choosing what goes on to the screens of this technology. Really interesting view on interaction design and an all-round excellent talk.
- Monday, February 27, 2012
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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Mailchimp Website
Mailchimp is a very successful email marketing web app that is very popular amongst designers and other creative types because of its excellent user interface and humorous design style. This video shows a quick review of the main site and what makes it work so well.
- Section: B3C, OUGD303DC
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BERG: Little Printer
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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Offscreen Magazine
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Making of: Repeat Timer Pro App
- Saturday, February 25, 2012
- Section: B2P, OUGD303DP
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Yearbook Ideas and Infographic Mockups
- Wednesday, February 22, 2012
- Section: B1P, OUGD303DP
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Surveyor Website - Initial Homepage Mockup
Here is a mockup of my initial ideas for the surveyor website homepage and logo. The purpose of this mockup was to see what the client thought of some of my initial ideas and design decisions. I will create some more detailed wireframes from the feedback received.
- The site looks quite corporate at the moment and could benefit from looking more informal and approachable. Use of colour will help this I think.
- Content showing reliability will make the company seem more approachable, with content like testimonials and important qualifications/certificates shown on the homepage.
- Once the correct images and copy are used it will look cleaner and more complete.
The next step is to create some new sketches and wireframes to improve the layout and hierarchy.
- Tuesday, February 21, 2012
- Section: B1P, OUGD303DP
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Surveyor Hierarchy Notes
Here are some of my initial Ideas for the hierarchy of the website, taking into account what the users will need to see/know first to keep them interested. I have also sketched an basic idea for the homepage and navigation layout that I will mock-up and show the client for some initial feedback, I will then create some more detailed revised wireframes and mockups.
- Section: B1P, OUGD303DP
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Surveyor: Initial Layout & Logo Ideas
Here are some of my initial ideas for the layout and logo design for the surveyor brief:
- Section: B2C, OUGD303DC
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Information is Beautiful Book
- Monday, February 20, 2012
- Section: B2C, OUGD303DC
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More 4 Reband
- Section: B2C, context, OUGD303DC
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Talk to Me - Book with Digital Link-in
- Thursday, February 2, 2012
- Section: context, OUGD303DC
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Design Context Presentation
Here are the slides I created for my design context presentation:
- Wednesday, February 1, 2012
- Section: B2P, OUGD303DP
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Yearbook Initial Ideas & Logo Concept
After our initial meeting we got some good feedback on our initial concepts and Mike went though some of the things he wants from the yearbook. Here are some of the key points:
- Gender Neutrality
- Don't over-emphasise the digital aspect of the course
- Communicate how the course is evolving without provoking a negative attitude towards the current course structure.
- Show the storytelling aspects of the course.
- Show the transmedia nature of the course.
- Mike likes abstract patterns and the style that 'processing' can generate.
I then started to jot down some ideas for the branding of the yearbook/course thinking about what he wanted to communicate: